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Brigid Ripley

Back in the Saddle

Northern Wisconsin is springing (no pun intended)into action, now that the snow is nearly gone, the days are gettng longer, the sun is bringing some real warmth to the air, and the summer birds are beginning to move back to the area. Some horse people manage to ride all winter, if they have appropriate facilities, or access to appropriate facilities. But for many of us, winter brings a hiatus from riding.

It's important to remember to begin gradually...reconditioning both horse and rider rather than diving right in to rigorous ride. It's also a good idea to re evaluate your horse's saddle fit, as changes in weight and muscle tone typically occur over the winter. Before your horse sheds out, they are likely to work up a sweat quite quickly, so extra care should be taken to cool them down after ridng.

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Helena Ripley
Helena Ripley
May 01, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Such important reminders! I am very eager to get back to riding, but due to weather and footing conditions, have not been able to do so yet. My arena tends to get very muddy and slick, as it has a clay base under the sand. This is not ideal, so I always need to wait for it to dry completely before I can ride on it. Thanks!

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