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Brigid Ripley


My cousin Elizabeth, who has lived in Boston her whole life, recently asked me if I do anything special for my horses for their birthdays and/or holidays. I was surprised that she would contemplate such a question, and I responded that yes...I do like to do something special for them. For many holidays it is something as simple as an extra ration of grain. When I am not pressed for time, I like to spend a little extra time with some or all of them - grooming, filling their ears with silly compliments - scratching their favorite spots.

I began to wonder if I was the only one who celebrated with horses, so I decided to Google the question. It will probably not surprise you much to learn that no....I am not unique in this custom. Here are just of few of the suggestions that Google uncovered:

  • Do a photo shoot with your horse

  • Make special horse treats

  • Exchange horse gifts with horse-loving friends

  • Plan a little party at the barn with friends

I'd love to hear if you have any clever ways to celebrate with the four-legged friend in your life!

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Helena Ripley
Helena Ripley
Apr 11, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I like to spend extra time grooming in the spring, and they all get treats on holidays :)

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