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Brigid Ripley

Changing Seasons, Changing Habits

I've long recognized that cultivating a positive habit can be a challenge for most of us. Once we've established a routine however, we can basically coast along on auto pilot. For example, getting out of bed as soon as the alarm goes off, rather than hitting snooze once,....or a dozen times! Once the habit is well established, we don't even consider hitting snooze. As soon as we let the bar down ....just one time, we tell ourselves, we have effectively disrupted our habit, and most likely will struggle, very possibly unsuccessfully, to re-establish it.

Thus it was with my blog posts. I had established the habit of writing each morning or each evening, and had no troubles fitting it into my day. Once I allowed myself to make an excuse....BAM! You can see the result! I've read several books recently about habits, and want to share a couple tips that may or may not prove to be effecitve strategies to help create positive habits:

1 - Use a habit-tracker

2 - Write yourself a schedule, and designate a specifice time for your new habit

3 - Ask a friend to hold you accountable

Different strategies seem to be effective for different people. Do any of you have an effective strategy you'd like to suggest?

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Helena Ripley
Helena Ripley
Nov 27, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

You are not wrong about habits and how easy it is to get out of them! It's funny because I was just thinking about the blog....and the next day, there was a post! Thank you! I very much enjoy reading your ponderings and seeing the pictures!

Brigid Ripley
Nov 27, 2023
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If you have any insights about creating positive new habits, let me know. Especially if I can weave it/them into another blog post!

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