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Brigid Ripley

Fly Gear for Horses

Now that the snow and sub-zero temps are but a not-so-distant memory, the bugs are upon us!! There is a vast array of fly gear available for horses...things that I don't think had even been invented when I was a kid. Some horses balk at some of the fly gear, but many of them do seem to appreciate the relief they get. Right now, the gnats are the most bothersome. Bonnets to protect the ears may be all you need - especially when riding. Soon, when the black flies get bad, it'll be time to break out the fly masks and fly boots. Fly boots not only protect from flies, they also can prevent lameness caused by the excessive stomping that horses do when their legs are attacked by biting flies.

Finally - fly sheets are especially helpful against horse flies. The newer fly sheets have UV protection as well. Although it's a bit of a hassle to put fly gear on and take it off, it is important to remove it each night. Even the best-fitting fly gear could rub a spot raw that will quickly grow worse if not detected right away. And fly masks are not designed for horses to see through at night. Does all this make you look forward to winter???

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Helena Ripley
Helena Ripley
30 may 2023
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The bugs definitely make me miss cooler temps! My TB Willy refuses to leave the loafing shed during the worst of the bug season unless he has full fly gear on-boots, sheet, mask. Now, with the attack of the gnats, he is the first at the fence when I approach with fly masks...he can't wait for me to put it on every morning!

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Brigid Ripley
30 may 2023
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The gnats have been really bad here too as well. Some horses really do seem to appreciate their fly gear!

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