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Brigid Ripley

Horses and Work

There's no doubt about it. Unless you are independently wealthy, and can pay someone to feed, water, groom & tack your horse, owning horses is a lot of work! Most of the people I know, however, do all those things themselves. Sometimes we share some of those tasks with a family member, such as a child or spouse. And of course, in addition to the care of the actual horse, there's even more work associated with the physical space the horse lives in - barn, pasture, paddock etc. Keeping those spaces clean and tidy is almost a full time job some days.

So why do we do it? I speak not only for myself, but for other people I've talked to about these very things, and have found that many of us actually enjoy the work that goes into horse care. Maybe not as much as we enjoy riding itself, but it possibly comes in as a close second. Many people find that grooming is a very soothing, almost therapeutic activity. Some people report that checking fences in the late afternoon after a day at the office really calms their minds and bodies. Mucking a stall may not be the most glamorous activity, but spreading out the fresh, soft, aromatic shavings afterwards.....who could argue with the satisfaction that brings! I've also heard many a horse-owner say that they really would not appreciate their horse or their lifestyle if they didn't also do all the work that owning a horse brings! What is YOUR favorite horse chore??

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Helena Ripley
Helena Ripley
2023년 5월 15일
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My favorite horse chore...I have lots! I do enjoy checking is a great way to get some steps in. I love grooming the horse in the early spring and enjoy how much they revel in the attention and scratches as their long, winter coats are shedding. I cannot think of a better sight than watching them run and cavort through a newly opened pasture-a result of another fencing project-but I also like feeding them and listening to them chomp their morning hay. I agree that horse chores are beneficial on many levels!

Brigid Ripley
2023년 5월 20일
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Your comment brings a smile to my face. I can always hear the joy in your voice if I happen to talk to you while you are out checking fences. Your voice comes alive!

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