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Brigid Ripley

Magical Moments With Horses

My family and I have spent many hours caring for horses, riding horses, talking about horses, watching shows and reading books about horses. Yes...we do have lives aside from horses, but horses occupy a special place in our hearts - each in our own way. The advent of iPhones with their amazingly high-quality cameras, has been the perfect tool for me, allowing me to capture thousands of photos that never would have been possible when I was a child.

Magical moments with horses come in many shapes and sizes. I remember one particular leg yield on my little horse Raz, now retired, who \typically gave me the bare minimum of whatever it was I asked for. One afternoon, however, we cruised along the long side of the dressage arena, turned down the center line at C, and with only slightest of aids, Raz launched himself into what probably was the most powerful, correct leg yield he ever did. THAT was a magical moment. Even though that happened several years ago, the feeling I got still resonates in my memory. Other magical moments are purely visual, I love capturing pics that seem to portray a "magical moment", like this photo, of Melanie sitting on the chair under the cedar tree, and Sonrisa - reaching out as if to say "We're going to have a great ride!" Do you have any memorable "Magical Moments?"

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Helena Ripley
Helena Ripley
May 16, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Horses do seem to lend themselves well to whimsy, don't they? I think many of my magical moments came from Chetek, followed by those from Cody. Both horses challenged me in their own unique ways, but gave back through hard earned trust that meant so much to me.

Brigid Ripley
May 20, 2023
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They sure win a place in our hearts don't they? And they remain there forever!

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