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Brigid Ripley

Morning Reflections

Several years ago I had the distressing realization that much of the time that I spent doing chores was filled with negative internal dialog. In the morning, I noticed things that should have been done, had been done wrong, or stressed about things that needed to be done for which I didn't have the time. In the evening as I did chores I ruminated about the day's events....but only the negative ones, or the ones I perceived as being negative. I fed the horses, but didn't really connect with them. I was blind to the beauty around me.

Recently I've embarked on a path of seeking more inner peace and more joy. I'm contemplating ways to improve my relationships, to improve my mind, and to improve my physical health. One of the adjustments I've made is to be mindful - paying attention to the world around me - greeting the horses - being aware of the beauty, and taking the time to truly appreciate it.

For many weeks, that daily practice - the one of replacing stress and anxiety with mindfulness and appreciation - would be continually derailed, as the emotional habits of many years would take charge of my thinking once again. Finally, however, I find the habit of seeing beauty, connecting with the horses, enjoying a positive inner dialog has become automatic, and some days I almost feel like I couldn't have a negative thought if I wanted one!

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Helena Ripley
Helena Ripley
Mar 30, 2023

It is so important to see the beauty around us, and not get pulled into negativity. I love my farm, and every morning while heading out for chores, try to make time to experience the loveliness that is my life!

Brigid Ripley
Apr 01, 2023
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I just found your comments! Your comment is very touching, and I'm so happy that you do have such a beautiful farm, and a genuine appreciation for your farm, your critters and your life!

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