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Brigid Ripley

Online Horse Shows

Although the pandemic took a big toll on the economy and on our personal and professional lives in many ways, it also expanded our horizons in many ways. Personally I was quite thrilled to discover online horse shows as an alternative to the expense and disruption of hauling my horse(s) to a show, and spending an entire day or weekend at the event. Although there is a lot to be said for the camaraderie and the atmosphere at a horse show, I also find them quite exhausting.

When I discovered Dressage Show Online I was delighted! Although it's not possible to get "recognized" dressage scores in classical dressage, it is a wonderful option for schooling shows. The judges are typically "L" judges, but there are also some "S" judges. I can video tape my dressage test at home, send my video in, and have it judged and scored. It so affordable and so relaxing! As a bonus - many of the shows even have lead line classes! For the Western Dressage enthusiast, the online dressage shows ARE recognized shows, with the same affordability and ease of the classical dressage show.

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Helena Ripley
Helena Ripley
Apr 24, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I, too, love this option for showing! It helps motivate me to ride more and work toward dressage goals, but does not have the expense or disruption of an in-person show. I am very excited for the upcoming May show!

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