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Brigid Ripley

Riding and ground work goals for Summer, 2023

I confess, I have done only a minimum amount of riding this winter, though I've spent plenty of quality time with my horses...grooming, scratching, meditating with them and taking hundreds - perhaps thousands of photos!

I have a new horse, who joined the herd about a year ago. At the age of 11, she had never been ridden, and I was fully prepared to discover that she would not be a good riding horse. However, nothing could be further from the truth! Kendra (barn name Downsize) is 13 1/2 hands. She's Clydesdale, Quarter Pony, Dale Pony and Gypsy Vanner. She has proven to be a fantastic little horse/pony. Her training has been thorough, gradual and methodical. We don't canter under saddle yet, but I'm in no hurry for that.

My goals for the summer are to learn more about using cavaletti effectively, to continue to learn about the Balance Through Movement program, and to build my own confidence in the saddle which began to slip a few years ago. I resolve to develop a regular lesson schedule, to work with my horse at least four times a week, and to continue with my own program for physical and mental wellness. I recently read a quote that I love "Work your horse and your horse will improve. Work yourself and all your horses will improve" Anonymous.

I invite you

to respond with a comment about your own riding goals for the summer.

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Helena Ripley
Helena Ripley
Mar 31, 2023

That is so touching! Downsize is amazing, and I am so proud of you for continually trying to improve various aspects of your life!

Brigid Ripley
Apr 01, 2023
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She truly is an amazing pony! I'd love to hear if you have any specific equine-related goals too!

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