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Brigid Ripley

The Benefits of Horses

This theme is something I come back to frequently, perhaps because my own connection to horses has been so long (at least 60 years), and so important in my life. I considered giving this blog the title "The Benefits of Riding" but opted instead to make this topic a bit broader, giving consideration to the many people who love their horses but may not necessarily spend much time in the saddle. I remember reading an article years ago written by a woman whose name I can recall, who stated that even if she never rode again, she would derive so much pleasure just looking out to the pasture and watching her horses graze.

Learning to ride as a child helped me develop good balance, strong muscles, and the ability to communicate with an animal many times my size. It also taught me how to anticipate. When riding a spooky horse I needed to be aware of things coming up that might trigger a quick leap to the side. When I felt my horse's head go up and muscles tense, I knew that a quickening of pace was likely to follow, so I needed to gather my reins and make sure my position was secure.

Doing chores was not necessarily my greatest joy as a child, but at this stage in my life I find great satisfaction in hearing the greeting of each horse - each one unique. A soft nicker from La La, a loud whinny from Cody Coyote, and impatient pawing of the hoof from Sonrisa, and so on. Seeing them lined up expectantly, and seeing the enthusiastic way they dig into their breakfast or dinner is so very gratifying! Watching them in the pasture...cavorting or playing with one another or snoozing in the sun..marveling at how they can make a crunching sound when eating hay (how is that possible??), or watching them scratch each other's withers are only a few of the visuals that come to mind. There are so many ways to find joy in the horse-human relationship!

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Helena Ripley
Helena Ripley
Apr 17, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

What a wonderful post! I very much enjoy the same with my horses...they are all so unique in their approaches to life, aren't they! And I love listening to the same crunching on hay! They have been cavorting extra these last few days with the wind! So much fun to watch!

Brigid Ripley
Apr 20, 2023
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They do put on quite a show on windy days don't they? Such power, grace and beauty!!

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