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Brigid Ripley

What is YOUR Favorite Breed of Horse?

Do you have a favorite breed? Is that breed based on your riding preference or something else? Is your chosen breed suitable for the riding discipline you follow?

As a kid I developed a love of Arabians - their elegant, chiseled heads with the lovely "dished" nose - their compact, well-proportioned conformation - their wide-set intelligent eyes. The eye appeal that Arabians had for me was enhanced by the rhetoric written about them by my favorite author of the time, Walter Farley. And the book "Drinkers of the Wind" - with the dazzling descriptions of the speed, brilliance and intelligence of Arabians all confirmed that my favorite breed of horse was indeed the best breed of horse!

I still love Arabians, but I have a much broader appreciation for other breeds, and a better understanding of some of the not-so-enjoyable traits of Arabians. As riding horses, because of their spirited natures, many of them are given to "spooking" under saddle. This can easily unseat a rider who is unskilled or unbalanced or inattentive. They can also be difficult to manage at horse shows or on trail rides with lots of activity and strange horses around.

I'd love to hear about your favorite breed of horse. Post your comments below!

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Helena Ripley
Helena Ripley
Apr 06, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Hmmmm....I grew up loving Arabians-their intelligence, beauty, loyalty...everything that is amazing about the breed! Arabians will always hold a special place in my heart. As I had more life experiences, I also developed a special love for (and protectiveness for) OTTBs. Cody taught me to listen VERY CAREFULLY to what he was "telling" me...but also rewarded me when I did so. These horses, with their capacity to forgive, will also always hold a special place in my heart.

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