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Brigid Ripley

What riding issues consistently plague you?

Over the years I've struggled with different issues or challenges, from physical ones to emotional ones to ones of attitude. For example, when riding my horse Raznik, who was not terribly motivated, I developed the habit of "nagging" him to go forward - inadvertently teaching him to ignore my leg. Overcoming that particular habit was a lengthy process, and one that I lapsed back into when I was not riding mindfully. It's so much easier to learn the right way, develop good habits, and stick to them!

My current rider issue is not the result of lack of knowledge or good instruction, but rather is a result of my own response to aging, much as I hate to admit it! As I've aged, I feel less confident, and as a result, the tendency to adopt a very mild "fetal position", which is our body's normal response to fear, takes hold. Not so much at the walk, but anything faster than a nice steady walk provokes it.

In addition, as we age, our bodies also change, and a rounding of the shoulders often occurs, which of course exacerbates a tendency to fetal position if one is so inclined. As I strive to overcome this latest challenge then, I must be aware of both my mindset and my posture, not only in the saddle, but throughout my day. If I allow anxiety to develop during my day, that anxiety will accompnay me right into the saddle. If I allow my shoulders to slump when I'm sitting at the computer, sitting upright in the saddle will be all the more difficult.

How do I approach this challenge? I strive to do stretches and/or yoga postures several times throughout the day. I practice being mindful of my emotions and my posture throughout the day. I listen to a short meditation designed for riders before I ride, and I work with my horse often on the ground when I cannot ride - thus maintaining that relationship and communication that stands both of us in good stead. What are you struggling with? How do you plan to work through it? I'd love to see your comments.

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Helena Ripley
Helena Ripley
03 abr 2023
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I admire your approach to your struggles with riding! I have not had the opportunity to ride much this winter, with all the ice and snow. I am eager to get my horses out and discover what will be a riding focus for the spring! I do still enjoy grooming them and spending time with them when weather won't allow me to ride!

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Brigid Ripley
03 abr 2023
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I look forward to visiting each others farms and maybe doing some riding together. Or at least comparing notes!

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