Do you share this show or book with someone? Has it influenced your riding or your life with horses in some way?
As a kid, Walter Farley was, hands down, my favorite author. I eagerly devoured every book he wrote. "The Black Stallion" was of course the one that first captured my heart. Throughout my career as a reader, I loved every horse book and horse movie - as long as it didn't have a sad ending. Of course there were times when I got fooled....and wound up being sorely disappointed by a book with a sad ending.
When I was in 6th grade, classroom teacher would select books to read aloud to the class. The one he read that I loved most was "The Lonesome Sorrel" by Keith Robertson. About a year ago I endeavored to find the book, but couldn't find it in any of the usual places. I happened to mention it to my best friend from high school - Nancy Wagner Andresen. About 2 weeks later, what should arrive in my mailbox, but a copy of that very book! It brought back such fond memories to read that book each night before turning in!
What's your favorite horse story?
That's a tough one! I, too, read every happy horse book I can find,.... I love Farley's book, as well as Marguerite Henry books. I still read everything I can find! The "Little Black" books and "Clip Clop" are favorites from my childhood...Thank you, B, for tracking down "Clip Clop!!!!!"