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Yoga for Equestrians

Brigid Ripley

As winter moves into spring and we feel the urge to spend more time in the saddle, our winter bodies may object! Yoga is a great way to bridge that gap. Yoga helps develop strong, supples muscles and joints which are beneficial for riders. It also helps us to develop an awareness of the breath, so essential when we are frustrated, struggling physically, or feeling anxious. How many of you have had the experience of preparing to enter a lesson or enter the show ring, and had someone tell you "BREATHE!". Only then do you become aware that you were holding your breath! And finally, yoga teaches us to execute challenging postures and stretches but all the while keeping our bodies relaxed! As riders I'm sure we've all experienced times when our own stiff arms, legs or back interfere with our horse's movement. There are many yoga practitioners who have yoga sessions for equestrians, but I'm including a linke for Adrienne - one of my favorite yoga teachers! Check out Guiness in the photo, doing a nice yoga-like stretch of his neck.

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Helena Ripley
Helena Ripley
30 במרץ 2023

Guiness is a champ at yoga! And look at Downsize contracting her neck...getting ready to stretch for treats?

Brigid Ripley
01 באפר׳ 2023
בתשובה לפוסט של

Yup...they both are champs in the treat-retrieval department!



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